Thursday, June 25, 2009

Any Redwood Writer Playwrights Out There?

We know Lynn Millar has successfully had one of her short plays selected for performance. Her play, 'Art of the Matter,' was read by the Reader's Theater at the Guerneville Library on February 25th of this year. It is a short play of 10 to 12 minutes.

Now, for the rest of you budding playwrights out there, jump on the bandwagon for the 2010 season. For all the details, pull the file down from the Yahoo Members page:

Over the years, Pegasus has worked with nearly two-dozen playwrights and they’re looking forward to discovering more. Please send your submissions for 2010 to Lois Pearlman at or 14290 Sunset Ave., Guerneville, CA, 05446. They prefer e-mailed submissions because they are easier to share among the selection committee. There is no fee for submitting plays and they’re only interested in playwrights who live in northern California.

Hey, do we ever fit the bill.

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