We are one branch of the California Writers Club. It is a statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to educating both members and the public in the craft of writing and in the marketing of their work, through public meetings, workshops and conferences.
The Redwood branch was chartered in 1975 and was the fourth branch established in the statewide club. It is located in Sonoma County, California, about sixty miles north of San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge. Naming the branch "Redwood" as opposed to "Sonoma" reflected the sensibilities of the time and of a region that frequently used Redwood as part of its name.
The California Writers Club is open to writers of all genres.
How to Create Presence of Place
Would you like to create a more vivid presence of place in your fiction?
Here’s a Moment of Mastery to inspire your creative process for success:
Name the ...
Year End in Review (2017) Part III
Oh, I promise this is the last one. We just went so many places, even with
a few months off, it has taken a long time to show off. Well it is only
three po...
New Directions
Hi Everyone,
I have created a new website, https://strokingthepen.com, which I hope you
will visit. In fact, I have transferred my entire blog over to my ...
Happy Birthday Grandpa (a little early)
I was resting on my bed yesterday. I believed in the moment that I wasn't
actually asleep, when I was suddenly struck with a thought. I realized that
I cou...
Fear of the Stranger
We are becoming a no touch, don't talk to strangers society. It's time we
opened our hearts and minds to the strangers in our midst and heed Maya
You can find me on Snapdiva Shorts
Wow! Over a year and no posts. Twitter keeps me occupied. I am
@yayayarndiva on Twitter. I write shorts and add bits on Snapdiva Shorts
Two shiny new books - one for each of my names!
My new book - and only one - with Hutchinson on it - has hit the
bookstores. *Cry of the Nightbird: Writers Against Domestic Violence* is
now available. Th...
Art, Writing and Hypnotherapy — I'm Still Here!
It's been a VERY long time since I've posted here. So to those of you out
there who may be wondering what's been happening with me — I've been BUSY!
I c...
What One Author Will Do for a Good Story
I naively had no fear of flying through the sky with a parachute. Maybe it
was because I already had been a passenger in an open cockpit, 1942, PT-17.
A Website of My Own
Pulling on my big-girl pants, I step into a whole new adventure--my very
own Word Press website! Thank you to web designer extraordinaire, Blake
Webster (r...
The business of art
Excerpt from NorthBay biz magazine
By: Christina Julian
Business sensibilities and the artistic mind don’t always mix. But for
artist Gordon Huether, of Go...
My memories of Christmas go back to when I was six years old. Weeks before
Christmas my mother was busy in the kitchen making fruitcak...
Back in School!
Whoo Hoo, back in school! Started a class on Thursday nights called
Discovery Procedures. It's one I'll need for Legal Secretary. Thought I
could try to be...
Creative Genes
“It’s a feeling of leaving something behind, of accomplishing something
every day! I hate it if I go to bed at night and haven’t done something
that’s ther...
Literary Distraction: Wordle
Wordle.net allows you to create word clouds from a mix of your own words,
or from a website. Here’s what I created from this blog:
Upcoming Events
I have a number of public appearances scheduled in the next month or so.
I'd like to draw attention to them in the hopes that you might be able to
make one...
Cultural Creativity
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we
created them.” Albert Einstein. These words of wisdom float on the brochure
cover for ...
Never too old
We love getting fan letters! This one expresses beautifully what is and
always has been in Wooleycat’s heart…”we’re never too old, or too
mature, to be in ...
ZAP Chapter 10 by Mark Adair
I’ve always wondered why failure stings the way it does. The perpetrator,
the victim, even innocent bystanders seem to feel the bite. I could see it
in the...
One Small Pot
Excerpt from “A Painter’s Garden” book Chapter “A Yard of One’s Own” There
is a beautifully illustrated children’s book my son and I love to read
The Triple Bind by Stephen Hinshaw: Comments
Crisis among Teenage Girls
Spring, a time to enjoy the beauty of Mother Earth! This is a season when
the feminine is honored, Mother’s Day in May, and in m...
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