Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: Can I attend the poetry evening and not the all day conference?
A: Yes. The poetry evening is just $30 per person AND can be paid by check or
money order and sent to our PO Box:
Redwood Writers
P.O. Box 4687
Santa Rosa, CA 95402.
Q: I noticed that lunch is provided during the all-day conference. What
about breakfast?
A: Breakfast is not included. A hearty lunch of grilled salmon Caesar salad will
be served. Mid-morning, coffee, tea and water service will be available. In the
afternoon, soft drinks and cookies will be provided.
Q: I can’t eat or meat or milk products. What can I do?
A: At check-in in the morning, be sure to ask for a special vegetarian, non-dairy
lunch to be made available. The Flamingo Hotel will accommodate your dietary
Q: Can I pay for the Conference by check instead of credit card?
A: Of course, make the check or money order payable to 'Redwood Writers.' The
online PayPal was provided as a convenience. About half of our attendees
registered online with credit card.
Q: Can I still see an editor?
A: Sorry. All slots were filled as of the August 15th deadline.
Q: When is the last day I can register for the Conference?
A: October 19th. The final head count is being submitted to the hotel.
Q: I was registered for the Jack London Conference (JLC). Can I come to
your Conference now?
A: Yes. You should have received your refund from the SF/Peninsula organizers by
now and can apply it towards the Redwood Writers 2009 Conference registration.
Not only that, but the board of the Redwood Branch of the CWC has authorized
the reinstatement of the early bird rate to make it easier for JLC registrants to join
us on October 24th. So, for any CWC member that was registered for the Jack
London Conference, the Redwood Writers will honor the early bird discount of
$125.00 for CWC members to attend the Redwood Writers 2009 Conference.
This results in a $20 savings for CWC members across the State.
Q: I have to cancel owing to a last minute trip. Can I get a refund?
A: The refund policy states “Requests postmarked prior to August 30, 2009 at fee
paid less $50. Requests postmarked after August 30, 2009 receive no refund.”
However, you may choose to send a substitute. This has worked well in the past
for both people involved.
Q: Can I bring friends to the Poetry event?
A: Yes. Poetry dinner event attendees may register for the “Evening of Poetry,”
even if they cannot attend the all-day Conference. Registration deadline for the
$30.00 “Evening of Poetry” is also October 19th.
Q: Can I just attend the Conference for the keynote addresses?
A: Sorry. This is not an available option.
Q: Does the Flamingo Hotel have WiFi?
A: Yes, the hotel has WiFi, however, there is a charge for access to the Internet.
WiFi fees are $4.95, $7.95, and $9.95 for 4, 8, and 24-hour windows,
respectively. That means that if you use your credit card for 4-hours of WiFi to
check e-mail, and you started at 7:30 am, then the WiFi access will only last until
11:29am. WiFi access is offered in windows across a fixed time period, NOT as a
cumulative use of time.
Q: Is there a charge for parking?
A: No. Parking is offered at no charge. Due to the number of attendees expected
for the Saturday conference, overflow parking is provided by the Long’s (now
CVS) Drugstore across the street.
Q: Will the presenter’s have their books for sale.
A: Yes. Be sure to come to the Vintage Voices Shoppe where the bookstore will
be in operation, managed by our exclusive bookseller, Copperfield’s Books.
Q: How can I qualify for a free conference pass?
A: There are no conference passes available.
Q: Can I stay overnight at the Flamingo Friday night at a special rate?
A: Yes, since our 1-day conference starts early (7:30 am check-in) and people
may be attending the “Evening of Poetry” or driving for over an hour to arrive
from the Bay Area, we have special hotel rates established at the Flamingo Hotel
for the Friday night:
"Special rates of Deluxe King or Double/Double $99, Executive King $119, and
Suites $199 have been arranged for the conference eve. Please call the
Flamingo hotel directly at 800-848-8300 or 707-545-8530 and mention the
Redwood Writers for the discount. You may wish to enjoy a great evening of
poetry on the 23rd, relax at the hotel and be up early for the all-day conference
on the 24th."
Q: How much wine does Sonoma County produce?
A: Sonoma County’s 260 wineries produce eight percent of California’s total wine
output. Sixty thousand of the county’s one million acres are planted with